tisdag, januari 20, 2009

i used to be cool

Från presskittet till utlandslanseringen av Fjorton suger

MARTIN JERN (a.k.a. DJ Marre van der Iron Eagle)
Born: 1978. Profession: Best in the world. Interests: Eurodisco. Favorite Eurodisco songs: 4 Strings ”Take Me Away”, Tukan ”Light a Rainbow”, Fragma ”Everytime You Need Me”, Dee Dee ”Forever”, Thrillseekers ”Synthesia (Darude remix)”, Alice Deejay ”Better Off Alone”, DJ Sammy ”Boys of Summer”, Lasgo ”I Wonder”, Rollergirl ”Luv u More”. Played records at the legendary ”Summer Battle” in Skåne 2003. Dream job: Aerobics instructor at a cool gym in Los Angeles. Has made the music videos “Hej, Hej, Monica” and ”Hej, det är Nic…klick” for Nic & the Family, and the documentary ”Generation Robinson” - which won lots of prizes - and about 300 other films. Was an extra in ”Almost Famous”.


Anonymous Anonym said...

"Also very famous in russian film circles, especially the avantgarde movie makers in the city of Perm. Biggest success in Russia was the documentary Forgive or Forget which is the most explicit work on contemporary Russia ever made."

fredag, 23 januari, 2009  
Anonymous Anonym said...

vad hände med eurodiscon?

tisdag, 27 januari, 2009  

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